The mid-year check in you need right now

I was going to go start this with a ‘wow, can you believe we’re more than halfway through 2019 already?’ but honestly, I still can’t believe we’re more than halfway through 2019 already. Where has the year gone? It seems like we’ve only just popped the champagne and toasted to a great new year just recently. The feeling of magic the New Year brings has worn off, the feeling of possibility and fresh starts is now just a memory for some of us.

If, like me, you find yourself hitting that mid-year slump pretty hard right now, then it’s high time for us to get back on that horse and turn 2019 into our best year yet! It’s never too late, after all. Even though it’s July and none of the goals you’ve set yourself for the start of the year has happened yet, there’s still time to chase after them or at least make a start.

I’ve been focusing heavily on looking in – tuning in to who I am and who I want to be, reflecting on what’s been working, what needs to change, and most of all, dreaming big dreams.

It hasn’t been easy. Being honest with yourself that something in your life isn’t quite working anymore is hard. But I feel so much lighter, so much more energetic and focused after that. There is something to be said about taking time out to dig deep. We are so easily distracted these days (I know I definitely am) – there’s so many things competing for our attention that I’m finding more and more that quiet time is fast becoming a luxury.

So if you’re ready to get back into the swing of things, grab something to write on, pour yourself a cup of tea (or wine – we’re not judging!) and let’s get down to business. Here are the questions I’ve been asking myself and things I’ve found helps with getting out of the dreaded slump:

Why am I feeling this way – Was it a specific trigger that kicked this off? Was it the lack of sunshine this winter that’s got you feeling down? Maybe it’s realising that you’re not happy with your studies or job. Whatever it is, get down to the bottom of the why first.

What’s working well/what am I grateful for – I’m a big believer that being mindful of what we’re grateful for is one of the most powerful ways we get ourselves in a better mindset. The better the mindset, the better the perspective, the better things get. I don’t make the rules! So spend heaps of time on this – what’s working, the great things in your life right now. I don’t about you, but I find this so inspiring!

What do I want the rest of the year to look like – The sky is the limit! What’s the rest of this year going to look like? What do you want to do more of? What do you need to do in order to achieve what you want? It can be as simple as ‘I want to move my body more’ and taking actions like stretching several times in the day. Or it can be something as big as ‘I want to switch careers’. This space can be scary. I get it. But trust that you’ve got this. I know you do!

What steps can I take to achieve that – Big steps, little steps, and everything in between. List it down. Keep it somewhere you can see it all the time. But most of all, just do it.

How can I be kinder to myself – Self-care is so important but we all know that goes beyond a bath and a skincare routine. How can we be kinder to ourselves? Is it in the way we speak to us subconsciously? Is it by having regular sleeping times? Is it by wearing clothes that you want even though it’s ‘out there’? Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made this year. Put it behind you and get out of your own way! Maybe you even want to adopt a positive affirmation to help ground you when you start going down that negative self-talk spiral. We have some suggestions here:

It’s never too late to start living the life we envision for ourselves. There’s no reason why 2019 still can’t be our year! Happy reflecting and don’t forget to be kinder to the inner voice in your head.


