Kimberley’s Blog: Lake Tahoe and disappointment
Hey team,
We must accept finite disappointment but never loose infinite hope. – Martin Luther King
It has been an interesting week this week. I have had a couple of big disappointments play out that really took a toll on me. I am sure you all can relate. When you want something so bad and it doesn’t go your way. In my industry, rejections happen almost daily and I have always prided myself on the way I just keep steam rolling forward. But occasionally the disappointments knock me and leave me feeling flat and full of doubt. This week was one of those weeks where I struggled to pick myself up immediately. Learning to let go of the things I can’t control seems to be the one thing I still can’t quite give over to so I ‘m still working on that. Any tips are always welcomed.
On the bright side I have had friends in town from New Zealand this past week, which has kept me busy and active and I’m so appreciative of. We took a trip up north to Tahoe. Which if you have never been, it should be on your ‘to do’ list. It is stunning and it had just snowed so the trees were covered and looked gorgeous. I haven’t spent a lot of time in the snow except from my last trip to Wisconsin. It was lucky that Tahoe was a little warmer.
This weekend I’m going to be hanging out with a bunch of Power Rangers at Wondercon in LA. If you are a Power Rangers fan we would LOVE to meet you so please come on down!
I have started posting little videos on my Facebook page called ‘Bites’ and I will be posting another one today so check it out and send me any questions that you might have.
Lastly I wanted to mention this great book that I just started called ‘The 7 habits of highly effective people’ by Stephen Covey. I have only just started it and already am working on applying the lessons within it.
Enjoy the rest of your week team.
Kimberley xx
Kimberley Crossman
Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.