Here are my 5 top tips to keep in mind when you are planning a little get away!
- Transport – I found quite possibly the most consistent car rental company on the globe. SIXT. They have a great app, I use them in LA, Australia and just recently in NZ. You can load everything in to the app ahead of time so. You aren’t mucking around at airports, cutting in to your precious holiday time!

- Pack your own snacks. You don’t know sometimes how long it might be between meals, travel plans can change and no one wants to be hangry on a car trip. Get a mix of healthy and not healthy snacks, some water and a bottle of wine in case your accommodation doesn’t have what you are after.
- Always pack your togs. You never know when the opportunity might present itself to swim or have a cute outdoor bath.

- Bring phone and laptop chargers and adapters for the car / accommodation.
- Take photos and make memories. It is so tempting to just chill (which is also important) but often the best memories are made when you hop on a swing, try a new food or go for that sunrise walk.