One of the things this pandemic has truly made apparent is just how much we need each other. We rely on each other to stay home and break the transmission chains to keep each other safe. We are working together to save lives, each of us doing our part. That’s a huge deal and we are sacrificing a lot and it’s totally normal to feel lonely or disconnected from the world. It’s important to keep checking in on each other, keep connected, keep sending loves

Write a letter – there are so many benefits to this! Putting pen into paper is kinda like writing in your journal, a good exercise in mindfulness. But to write a letter to someone you love and hold dearly that you can send after lockdown to let them know that you were thinking of them? That’s a special keepsake to have and I’m sure will be so appreciated! Letter writing is a lost art in this day and age, so why not write little love notes while we’re at home?
Netflix party – this Google chrome extension has been such a great tool for watching shows and movies with friends. I’m a huge film fan and my idea of relaxing is going to the movies – it’s not just the fact that you get to watch a film on the big screen that I love but it’s the social aspect as well! Getting to hang out with my friends in a dark movie theatre and discussing the movie over a feed after is such a highlight of my week so I’ve been really missing that. Enter Netflix party – a desktop app that lets you watch Netflix with your friends. There’s even a chat function! Check it out:
Themed dinners – I’ve always believed that food is one of those things that bring us together. Food is an extension of ourselves – our culture, our upbringing, our memories – so now that we literally have to cook every meal while in lockdown, why not try something different? I’ve been doing themed dinners for our bubble. It’s a great way to travel without leaving, and you can even take it a step further and ask your family/bubble mates to come prepared with a trivia about the place. It’s a great activity to keep kids occupied, a good conversation starter, and a good way to keep the wanderlust alive while our feet are firmly on the ground.
Zoom – never underestimate the power of a good Zoom call! A couple of weeks ago, I actually put a message out to anyone who wants to join in on a call and it worked a treat. I was so nervous about it beforehand – it felt something like throwing a big birthday party with all your different friend groups who don’t know each other and hoping that they’d all have a good time. Well we did! And the conversations flowed and it was great to connect with friends of friends. It’s like the new way of meeting people! New friendships definitely started over that Zoom call so if you’re up for it, organise a video call with your friends and ask them to invite one of their friends outside your group. It can be awkward at first, but hey, we’re all in this together!

These times may be uncertain, there are a lot of things beyond our control, but one thing I’m sure of is that first meeting with friends and loved ones again, that first meal shared, that first hug, that first time we hear their laughter and bathe in their warmth and love again – that will be truly special. Hold on to that thought and stay strong as we stay home.