5 Mins with children’s book author Alvante

*What was the inspiration for your project / company and how long had you been working on it before launching?

 I always wanted to write a children’s book but wanted it to have an important message. I’m my opinion New Zealanders as a whole are pretty average at talking about their feelings so I thought writing a book that encourages kids to do that was a perfect concept. I wrote the book in 2022 and when my tattoo artist Maria Carroll (misscrudetattoo) heard the story she insisted that she wanted the book to be her first illustration.

*Can you share with us what a typical day looks like for you? 

In my day to day I work in the insurance industry, I generally spend the day In front of a laptop before taking the dogs for a walk and sending off any book orders from the day before.

*The industry that you’re in now, was that always a career pathway you wanted to explore? And if not always, what sparked your initial interest? 

Ive never really considered myself a creative. I decided I wanted to give writing a children’s book a crack and during the creative process it just flowed really well. Reactions from my friends and family when hearing the book is really what made me pursue self-publishing. 

*Do you have a highlight experience from your years of work in the creative space?

I don’t really consider myself a creative, maybe I should start now I’ve created a book but I’m really just happy that I’ve been able to release something that will help people 

*Can you share something that may surprise people about what could go on behind the scenes of your work? 

The bulk of the story only took me a weekend to write but the story did change slightly after sending to am editor for review! 

*Where would we find you in your spare time?

I’m a real homebody so I love chilling at home with my partner,2 dogs and cat. I also love hanging out with my mates and getting active.

*Best advice you’ve ever been given? 

To stop worry what other people think. If I had been worried I don’t think I would have written this book as it’s not exactly what society define as masculine. But I think residing what masculinity looks like is important for everyone. 


Instagram: @tamathetui

Tiktok: @tama.the.tui



Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.