Meet my incredible friend Maude! She runs Maudes Book Club and is one of the most entertaining and epic humans on the planet! Maude kindly took 5 mins to chat to us about work, life and books!

*What was the inspiration for your project / company and how long had you been working on it before launching?
I ran my online geek media company Geek Bomb for 10 years! It covered all things PWR: Playing, watching and Reading. I’d ask everyone, “What’s your PWR?” And I noticed people were playing a ton of stuff, watching everything, but so few people were reading! I think in todays age we’re putting books down and picking phones up. So in 2023, I rebranded my company to become Maude’s Book Club, an online scifi & fantasy book club where I encourage people to READ MORE BOOKS! I’ve loved every second of it

*Can you share with us what a typical day looks like for you?
It took me a while to figure out that a solid morning routine was a game changer for me. I have a coffee and plan out my tasks for the day, and try to meditate and journal. I also walk my dog for at least 45 mins, and then get a workout in. After that’s done, I set aside a few hours to get those tasks done, and I’ve noticed that my quality of work and focus improved immensely if I stick to the routine!
*The industry that you’re in now, was that always a career pathway you wanted to explore? And if not always, what sparked your initial interest?
I’m a host in the entertainment industry, and when I was in high school I had ZERO IDEA this was something that I could do. High school cultivated my strongest sense of imposter syndrome, I didn’t think I was capable of achieving much at all. I’d talk myself out of my dreams and even working hard in my classes scored me very mediocre results. It wasn’t until I entered an Australia-wide search for a new music host when I was 19, did a door to that world open for me, and I held on for dear life.

*Do you have a highlight experience from your years of work in the creative space?
Interviewing some of the biggest stars on the planet is the thing that probably sounds the coolest: Angelina Jolie, Leo Di Caprio, Tom Cruise, you name it. The nerdy stuff for me makes me the happiest: Hosting Comic Con panels in New york with the cast of Doctor Who or Jack Black has given me life!
*Can you share something that may surprise people about what could go on behind the scenes of your work?
The biggest surprise I’ve had working in Hollywood is how encouraging and friendly a lot of the people I’m \up against jobs have been. There’s a clique of women in this space whom I’m friends with who understand this industry and don’t treat it like a competition. I’ve gotten jobs and suggested another friend who I think had a deeper knowledge, knowing that they’d be a better fit. I also know that there’ll be another job, so none of this is a loss, it’s a lot of give and take!
*Where would we find you in your spare time?
Reading the current pick for Maude’s Book Club, walking my dog or on Twitch playing video games!
*Best advice you’ve ever been given?