It’s the second full week of 2020 and I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling as if this year has been going on for ages even though we’re not even halfway through January yet. With so much going on in the world right now, I guess it’s safe to say that 2020 is off to an overwhelming start. It seems
So I’ve been asking myself these questions lately as I ease myself into this new year and new decade. I truly believe taking time for self-reflection and introspection is one of the best things we can do for ourselves because it gives us a great (and honest) insight into our lives especially what’s working well, what we want to improve on this year, how can we be happier daily, and what new heights do we want to reach this year? I’m a dreamer by heart and sometimes it’s the doing that makes me feel stuck. Answering these questions openly has helped me get a clearer picture of how I can truly make this year my best yet.

Without further ado, here are the questions I’ve been asking myself. Pour yourself a cuppa (or a stronger beverage), grab something to write on, and let’s get started.
- What good things/experiences/people/moments did 2019 bring me?
- What were my biggest challenges?
- How did I deal/react/behave when things were going great for me? What about when they weren’t going so well?
- What do I want to have more of this year? It could be something massive as more love or a new job, to cultivating better habits like sleeping early or reading everyday!
- What can I do everyday to bring that into my life?
- What do I need to reprioritise to make room for this in my life?
- How did I feel for most of 2019?
- How do I want to feel for most of 2020?
- Where did I spend my time/energy the most?
- What experiences do I want to have for 2020?
Remember there are no right or wrong answers to this. Stay true to you and what you want the most in life. Here’s to new adventures and dreams this year! I hope it’s amazing.