Second to last month of 2021! Not how I thought the second half of the year would go but still holding on hope for a great Summer after all of this.
This month we round up new music from Adele, The Inspired Unemployed podcast, a book from Will Smith, new game shows to catch up on and fresh tunes for your playlist.

Music: Adele
I mean she doesn’t need an introduction but wow, Adele came back strong. Music fans rejoiced when Adele announced that her much anticipated album 30 is dropping on November 19th plus released her new tune Easy On Me. Sheesh that song is something else – anyone else really feel the lyrics? “I’ve learned a lot of blistering home truths about myself along the way. Discovered genuinely useful and wholesome mentalities to lead with, and I feel like I’ve finally found my feeling again,” she posted online. Adele’s also just announced some 2022 shows in London so we can only hope there’s more as I remember the last time she was here, it was an incredible experience and we’re for sure going to need to hear this album live! Image @adele

Podcast: The Inspired Unemployed
It may have started as an Instagram page for some satire comedy skits but now The Inspired Unemployed is much more than that. Matt Ford and Jack Steele have gone from filming home videos in New South Wales to travelling back to where it all started (Queenstown) and then getting stuck in our country’s August lockdown to top it all off! You can also now catch them on stream with their Spotify Original’s Podcast that has new episodes dropping every Wednesday. Image @theinspiredunemployed

Book: Will by Will Smith
Will Smith has done a lot of legendary projects in his acting career and now he’s put his journey into a book! Will started the book two years ago and you already know it’s going to be good when it covers his full story from childhood to starting his mega entertainment career and everything in between, plus it was created with the help of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck author Mark Manson. “It’s easy to manoeuvre the material world once you have conquered your own mind, I believe that” says Will – Will by Will Smith releases next week. Image: @willsmith

TV: Game shows
I don’t know if it’s lockdown so I’ve had more time to search around or what but I’m loving checking out different reality game shows. When I’m not catching up on Celebrity Treasure Island (it’s the finale this week!), I’ve been watching the likes of Beat The Chasers (from The Chase UK), I Can See Your Voice, The Weakest Link Australia and Gordon Ramsey’s Bank Balance – a real mixture! I either sit there amazed at people’s ‘general knowledge’ or go ‘hey even I could have got that one!’ to some of the questions. They’re all available on TVNZ on Demand if you’re looking for an easy watch! Image: TVNZ

Playlist: I’ve been listening to…
* Love Back by Why Don’t We
* Money by LISA
* Happier Than Ever (Edit) by Billie Eilish
* Something Good by Hollie Smith
* High Again by Rory Noble
* Easy On Me by Adele
* Get It Done by CHAII
* Rule The World by The Wanted
* Chemicals by Peking Due
* Older by Alec Benjamin
* Better Days by NEIKED, Mae Muller & Polo G
* I Wish by Joel Corry ft. Mabel
* Life Feels Good by Mikey Dam
* Shivers by Ed Sheeran
* Halfway by Mimi Webb
Quote: @wetheurban
I love @wetheurban’s Instagram account – their affirmations always seem to hit the right spot! Like this one “you deserve to think highly of yourself. You may not be exactly where you want to be, but look at how far you’ve come.” It’s also easy to feel stuck in times like these when we’re in lockdown which is out of our control etc. I highly recommend following this account if you haven’t already!