Hey Team,
We are currently running a kickstarter to fund DEATHGASM 2! We need to raise the remainder of the $300,000 in the next 7 days to be able to make this epic film! Please consider donating or sharing our page so that we can make the film the fans deserve! With more blood, more gore and more…. (well if you have seen the original you will know what comes next ) haha

We spent 5 mins with the lead of the film Milo :
1. You played Brodie in the Deathgasm film. Can you share with us a highlight of shooting the movie?
There are tonnes of highlights, the cast and crew were pretty tight so the atmosphere on set was fun and a bit chaotic. Definitely one of my strongest memories is when Cameron Rhodes (Mr. Capenhurst) was on set, he’s a bit of a living legend in nz when it comes to acting. When he had to spray vomit/blood on that poor student, it was one of the first live fx’s I saw on that set, and it just went down sooo well. It was really hard not to laugh. I think that got everyone really excited for the rest of the shoot.

2. Deathgasm 2 is in the works (and currently open for crowd funding), is there anything you hope may be in the storyline for your character?
Well I’m not a natural guitar player, in fact you could say I ‘suck’. But I do enjoy drumming, so selfishly I’d love it if Brodie decides to change instruments, even for a brief moment!
3. You’ve also been part of shows like The Luminaries, Shortland Street, Mystic and the new film Uproar. Is there any genre or any creative (actor/actress/director/producer) that you would love to work next?
I’ve always admired and been in awe of Michel Gondry, especially films like ‘eternal sunshine of the spotless mind’. So getting to work with him would be pretty nerve-wracking/nauseating/exciting!
4. Where would we find you in your spare time?
Well I come from a family of hoarders, they’re mainly into motorbikes and car parts. So I’ve inherited that gene and if i drive past a bunch of stuff out on the street, I HAVE to look at it, see what’s there, anything interesting? Anything useful? It’s like a little treasure hunt!
But it does mean I have a garage full of mostly useless things!
5. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
You cannot stop yourself from feeling emotion, so you may as well learn how to feel it and react to it in a useful/non-destructive way.