It’s gonna… gonna… gonna… be May! There I said it, for those of you who didn’t get the reference/joke you’re maybe a bit young (or perhaps a bit old)…
This month we highlight NZ Music Month, Crazy Rich Asian’s Michelle Yeoh’s new film and actor Josh Peck’s new memoir plus we round up some new tunes to add to your playlist.

Music: NZ Music Month
It’s officially NZ Music Month (Te Marama Puoro O Aotearoa 2022) and not that we need a reason to celebrate local musical creatives but here is a great reason and it’s perfect timing since we’ve just moved to the orange light level so gigs are on, baby! The theme for this year is ‘Level Up’ with the aim of encouraging support for up-and-coming talent. There are plenty of gigs and initiatives you can support in your local area, head to the NZ Music Month website for a full month line-up and get amongst! Image @NZMusicMonth

Book: Happy People Are Annoying by Josh Peck
If you grew up with Nickelodeon playing in the background, you’ll likely recognise Josh Peck especially from his hilarious ‘Drake and Josh’ days. Josh has recently released his memoir, Happy People Are Annoying where he shares his journey, including reflecting on his past self. He took to Instagram to say “it took me a really long time to love the one on the left. How strong he was in ways I don’t have to be anymore. I talk all about it in my book and I’m proud to say it’s out today”. The book, which took two years to write and has a bunch of Josh’s kind of humour and self awareness is available now. Image @shuapeck

Film: Everything Everywhere All At Once
I RSVP’d to a preview of this film as I saw Crazy Rich Asian’s Michelle Yeoh was leading the cast and then I watched the trailer and wasn’t quite sure what I was in for… the five-word movie title kind of sums it up, it’s chaotic but I think in the best way. Everything Everywhere All At Once follows a 55-year-old Chinese immigrant who while simply trying to finish her taxes gets taken into a literal parallel universe involving alternative versions of herself… yes you read that right! You’ve got to see the cinematography and the great cast that this film has to offer – it’s in cinemas now. Image @flicks

Playlist: I’ve been listening to…
* As It Was by Harry Styles
* Crazy What Love Can Do by David Guetta, Becky Hill & Ella Henderson
* About Damn Time by Lizzo
* Flowers by Lauren Spencer Smith
* 10 Things I Hate About You by Leah Kate
* Birthday Cake by Dylan Conrique
* Meet U Again by Riiki Reid
* Nothing But Wild by Amy Sheppard
* Keith by Kaylee Bell
* 20s by Bow Anderson
* What If I Can’t by Rory Noble ft. Mikey Dam
* Brave by Ella Henderson
* Take My Hand by 5 Seconds of Summer
* pyschofreak by Camila Cabello ft. WILLOW
* Thousand Miles by The Kid LAROI
* First Class by Jack Harlow
* Remind Me by Tom Grennan
* House On Fire by Mimi Webb
* That’s the thing x by PRINS
* Find Me by Muroki
* History by Mitch James
* she’s all i wanna be by Tate McRae

Quote: @voicesofhope
When you think of the term ‘self care’, you probably automatically think face mask or a bath but it’s so much more than that. It’s finding out what ‘self care’ means to you – lately I’ve been taking time out to watch some TV, read a book and listen to music (like the songs on my current playlist – above), whatever it may be – here is your reminder to have a self-care check-in!