A few weeks ago, I got to attend Justin Bieber’s Album listening party. In true Hollywood style, it was very hush hush and we weren’t allowed our phones. Well, this isn’t entirely true, certain people were allowed their phones, I was in the no phone group. But I did find some friends from Australia and the UK to hang out with. Being phone free really forces you to push yourself to converse with strangers, which is a good thing.

The event was very intimate. Held in a small recording studio in Santa Monica with perhaps 60 – 100 guest from around the world. It all kicked off with Justin talking a bit about his journey to this point. He got emotional when thanking certain people who have been there for him for what has been almost a decade of highs and lows. Ryan, Fredo and Scooter all received a lot of thanks for their consistency, guidance and support.
We listened through the album from start to finish, pausing between each song to chat about why this song meant so much to him. My personal favorite jam was ETA. While we listened, Justin spent his time playing with a hockey stick or snuggling up to his wife who was singing along to every song (adorable)

I feel that Justin has been a big part of all our lives, his triumphs and his shortcomings have been news stories since I can remember but it was so nice to see him in a place of humbleness and maturity and stillness in a way that was incredibly endearing. His new music is great, everyone in the room seemed to be enjoying it. Especially Shawn Mendez and Eminem’s manager Paul Rosenberg. I believe it will be a huge success and off the back of his YouTube series I think this new, vulnerable, honest and grounded JB will create waves like his early work and re-engage his fan base. Bieber Fever is back!
Justin’s Album, Changes releases on Feb 14th