5 mins with Katy Coulter

*What was the inspiration for your project / company and how long had you been working on it before launching? 

I don’t have my own project or company but I have been working for the company I have been with for 3 years now!

*Can you share with us what a typical day looks like for you? 

Typical day is wake up, get B ready for school. Take her to school. Come home, get the house back together after having a toddler tornado run thru it. Try and spend some quite time reading my Bible and praying before I start working. I work from home which I love, and it gives me nice flexibility to do errands during the day or squeeze in a workout class while B is at school. Then once the clock hits 5:00 its time to go get B. Austin comes home from work we cook dinner and hang out. Until around 8:00 when we start getting B ready for bed. Then once we get her in bed, that’s Austin and I’s time to spend together and have some rest time. 

*The industry that you’re in now, was that always a career pathway you wanted to explore? And if not always, what sparked your initial interest? 

I originally pursued retail/buying. Which I did for 5 years. I loved buying but the lifestyle wasn’t sustainable for me. I had zero work life balance. I was a slave to my desk from 8:30 -5:30 with no breaks. Which I didn’t even have a kid at that point, and I was getting worn out. Now having a kid, I couldn’t even imagine living a life like that. The reason I found this job is because I had a coworker who had left buying to go be a solution consultant in tech before me. I told her if she loved it come back for me and sure enough she did! 

*Can you share something that may surprise people about what could go on behind the scenes of your work? 

Well I would say that what honestly makes me successful with my job is honestly A LOT of fake it till you make it. Just play the part and it will get you along way, and you figure it out as you go! You will never know it all, but you can learn it as you go. 

*Where would we find you in your spare time?

Probably at a work out class with you! 

*Best advice you’ve ever been given? 

You win some, you learn some. 

*Social media




Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.