We are doing a heavy metal detox!

We have been doing both a soft version of heavy metal detox and parasite cleanse. 

Parasites cause a lot of diseases and ailments in the body. So we start the day with pumpkin seeds to kill and worms, then we do the juice which backs up cleaning out the parasites and also alkalising the gut, and clearing out heavy metal build up from – food, environment, drinking water and things that we put on our body. 

All the things we have done help heal the gut by killing parasites and reducing any inflammation which will in turn helps; with brain fog, tiredness, skin conditions, weight gain, low libido and many other conditions affected by an inflamed gut. 

We have eaten organically, removed sugar intake, alkalised the stomach, drunk dandelion root tea, increased vitamin c intake, and used lots of herbs that help support the liver, kidneys and gut microbiome – such as; parsley, coriander, dandelion, coconut oil, and so much more. 




Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.