Pretty Frozen – The latest Podcast Ep!

Ever found yourself frozen in place, overwhelmed by the weight of the world? It’s a feeling that seems to be echoing through so many of us lately. The financial uncertainties, global conflicts, and just the sheer weight of it all can leave us feeling stuck, helpless, and teetering on the edge of despair.

In this episode of my podcast, Pretty Depressed, something truly special unfolds. I’ve teamed up with my hypnotherapist, Bec from @be_hypnotherapy , to tackle a common yet often overlooked response: Freeze. It’s that moment when everything feels too heavy to move forward, and the world seems to press in from all sides.

For over a year now, I’ve been working closely with Bec alongside traditional talk therapy. Together, we’ve navigated deep-seated self-beliefs that have held me back both creatively and emotionally. Our conversations led us to focus on the freeze response – a state where action feels impossible.

We’ve crafted this episode not just as a discussion but as a resource – a beacon of hope and practical tools for anyone who might find themselves in a similar emotional landscape. Whether you’re battling with overwhelm, feeling the weight of current events, or simply searching for a way forward, we hope this episode resonates deeply with you.

Join us as we explore ways to thaw out from the freeze, offering insights and actionable steps to shift towards a more positive and hopeful outlook. It’s about reclaiming agency over our emotions and finding pathways to move forward, even when the world feels like it’s standing still.

Welcome to a journey towards thawing out and finding renewed hope. Enjoy.

If there is any other topics you would love us to explore in the podcast feel free to comment or email me [email protected]

Love Kim and Bec 

Watch it on YouTube here –



Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.