I’m Kim Crossman and I’m a workaholic and need more play time!
I know this because I took a test, and a few questions in, I realized I was just kidding myself by even taking it when I already knew the answer. I have an achievement addiction, and my drug of choice is verbal validation from others or completing a task (extra points if I finish it ahead of a deadline).
I’m sharing this because I know I’m not alone, and I’m also realizing that my workaholic nature can get in the way of my creativity… by design. It’s the perfect excuse for why I haven’t started a creative project, posted a more vulnerable video, or tried something new. Being ‘busy working’ on other things for other people is just easier… and you get instant validation or feedback.
I’m going to try to be better about not putting work commitments before my creative commitments. No more canceling acting class because someone needs something from me, bailing on meetups, or skipping adventures because I’ve got too much work to do. I need to manage my time better to make room for more play and more space to just ‘be.’

My workaholic nature has its perks, but it also serves as a fear response to fully committing to my more creative work.
My sister is a great example of someone who’s always playful. She finds a fun way to do almost anything and is one of the most creative people I know. Shout out Rochelle!
So, is there any habit holding you back from letting your creativity shine? Curious to know if you have something that is holding you back from really committing to the creative and playful you? How do you make sure you stay playful?