Day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas: Lessons I Have Learned in 2024 🎄
Don’t Reschedule ⏰
This is a hard one, especially post-COVID. I have a tendency to overload my day and quite often feel the pull of wanting to reschedule certain things as I flip-flop between ‘listen to your body’ and ‘your work ethic is your best quality.’ 💪 So, when I find myself in a situation where I am at capacity, I have been known to ask to reschedule certain things. However, I have tried to recently front-foot the issue and say no or give smaller availability windows for things that are not a high priority for me, and I’ve made a deal with myself that I would not reschedule. 🚫
My Sister has said to me before that if a meeting or invitation was set for a certain time, I should honor that as when it was supposed to happen and not mess with the plan in place, along with all the other elements that were ready to evolve around it. By moving things, sometimes we muddy the energy or possibly what was supposed to come out of the meeting. 🌿 I know that I have never regretted a meeting, a podcast, or a coffee catch-up, so I am taking time to learn to slow down on my replying and work to place things at achievable times from the get-go! 📅
What are your thoughts on this? 🤔