After four years of exploring mental health and sharing my journey, I want to highlight a major “Ah-ha” moment from this year. 🌟
People often talk about “doing the work” when it comes to recovery, but what exactly is it? For me, it meant confronting long-held beliefs that no longer served me. From childhood, I carried a story that I wasn’t lovable or worthy. This narrative became a root cause of my unhappiness and depression. 💭
While I was aware of these beliefs, I struggled to shift them. Despite evidence that I am loved and worthy, my brain would revert to these fake “truths” when I was tired or overwhelmed. 🌀
This year, I tried hypnosis, Reiki, and inner child work to rewrite these stories. It was uncomfortable, requiring me to revisit painful memories, but it’s been healing. 🌈
Sharing this feels vulnerable, but I hope it encourages someone else to start their journey. “Doing the work” means questioning old stories and taking steps to heal. It’s challenging but worthwhile. 💪
You are worthy of love, healing, and joy. Sometimes, getting uncomfortable is the first step. 💖