“Find what brings your heart safety and joy, and do more of that.” 💖✨
This may seem obvious, but sometimes I get clouded by what I “have to do” and end up making little time for the things I truly love. Recently, we’ve been talking a lot in our house about how pure and genuine joy and delight are for children. As adults, we often rely on alcohol or big adrenaline hits to get us into those states. 🍷🎢
Since we’ve been on our sobriety journey, I’ve found that discovering what truly brings me joy and good vibes has been simpler than I initially anticipated. I love waking up before anyone else 🌅, taking a few moments without my phone to say good morning to my cats 🐱 or dogs 🐶, and I love eating dinner with my husband and family around the table 🍽️.
So, I’m making sure to carve out time in my day for those things. Animals are a huge part of my life and have been pivotal in my mental health journey. They’re so pure and stable, and we’re incredibly lucky to have them! 🐾💕
What brings your heart safety and joy? 💭💖