Sorry for being a little quiet on here. After receiving an upsetting AMH reading from the fertility doctor, I’ve been dedicating some time to lowering my cortisol levels and restructuring my days a bit. But I’ve also been chipping away at a new project for my podcast—a mini-season called Pretty Fertile. I’m doing what I can to contribute to the space by talking to both Western and Eastern-inspired professionals to provide a free resource, highlighting some alternative ways (or additional ways) to heal your body, realign, and connect back with your feminine energy.
I live a lot in my masculine energy—the doing, the chasing—and rarely am in my ‘rest and digest’ state. Honestly, I kind of avoid it. So, I thought that by speaking to some experts, I could gain some insight into adjustments I can make to get to know my body a little better and perhaps be a bit kinder to myself as I begin this journey of fertility and hormone balancing.
I’ll be kicking off the season in a few weeks, so make sure you check it out on all podcast platforms—Pretty Depressed. Much love! x