5 mins with Jenna Clark from Mila Mae and Co

*What was the inspiration for your project / company and how long had you been

working on it before launching?

I actually never set out to become a business owner. I was just playing around in

lockdown as I love candles, I showed my friends and family and they suggested I pop it up on the ‘chooice’ website which was started during lockdown I believe, one thing let to another and the next thing I knew I was setting up a website and making the decision to not go back to my full time job after maternity leave.

*Can you share with us what a typical day looks like for you?

Most days I am up to do a workout (reformer pilates or a walk) before my boys are up for the day, then its getting them both ready for kindy and school, breakfast, getting dressed, packing bags etc. Once they have both been dropped off I’m straight back home to get into my day, which can consist of anything from making candles, to packing orders, to setting up my new website to all the other million and one things a business owner does to keep things ticking over.

I like to make time for networking events where I can as these have been a game changer for me whilst growing my business and I have met many amazing people this way, including yourself Kim!!

Then at about 2.45pm I stop what I am doing to pick up my eldest from school, we either have his swimming, playdates, homework or errands to run, sometimes I have to get some more work done and then we head off to pick up his younger brother around 5pm before we head home for dinner, baths, bedtime etc. Once they are in bed and sorted its usually more work admin or winding down with hubby in front of the telly or something similar!

*The industry that you’re in now, was that always a career pathway you wanted to

explore? And if not always, what sparked your initial interest?

As I mentioned earlier, I hadn’t even given being a business owner a serious thought

before but I am really glad I took the leap as I have learnt so much, done so much,

grown as a person so much and made some of the best friends of my life!

*Do you have a highlight experience from your years of work in the creative space?

There have been many highlights but I think the thing that stands out the most so far is running my first candle making event, I like a lot of people suffer from anxiety and imposter syndrome so getting through this class and having the out come I did

(everyone telling me what an amazing time they had, selling out of my limited edition Christmas vessel we were promoting and gaining a bunch of extra followers and customers) made me realise just how far I’ve come and that I can do anything I set my mind to!

*Can you share something that may surprise people about what could go on behind

the scenes of your work?

A lot of people don’t realise that all of my candles are custom made to your order which actually creates quite a bit of pressure on myself to stay on top of the orders as its not just a case of picking and packing when an order comes through.

*Where would we find you in your spare time?

I love spending quality time with my family and friends, I love the beach in summer and I’m a sucker for a good gig!!

*Best advice you’ve ever been given?

Gratitude & kindness will never go out of style!

*Social media

Mila Mae & Co

Instagram – mila_mae_and_co

Facebook – milamaeandco

Website – www.milamaeandco.co.nz



Kimberley Crossman

Kimberley Crossman is a kiwi actress, author, and presenter. Oh and you are currently on her website reading a blog she has written.